Hello! I think that another feature I would like to post on my blog is my favorite pictures! These pictures could be recent (like favorite photos of the week) or some of my favorite pictures of all time! (That sounds dramatic! haha) I'm going to put a mixture of photos that I have taken and pictures that just really caught my eye or that I want to share. This week's are all my photos.
One regular feature I want to try and post on this blog is my Pinterest trial and errors! I love Pinterest and really want to start trying out some if the ideas I pin! The first idea I tried was Frozen Yogurt Dots! Here is the pin that I used when making them, and it links to an original blog post about them. So thank you Jill for this good idea! They were very good and really easy to make! These are good for a little snack, you just need to make sure you eat them before they start melting or else it gets messy. Also, I was not patient and I took them out of the freezer too soon, so they were a little soft still. I used the same materials as the original post except I used wax paper. If anyone tries them let me know!!